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 Maluch World Meeting

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Fiat 126p4 Inviata - 23 July 2011 : 12:49:22
Salve ragazzi, sapete se quest'anno faranno il Maluch World Meeting?

vi posto una sequenza di foto che riguardano il 2009 e 2010

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20   U L T I M E      R I S P O S T E    (Ultimi inserimenti)
Fiat 126p4 Inviata - 07 May 2013 : 23:26:09
azz sono sempre indietro

comunque si certo che si farà
Cat Cry Inviata - 07 May 2013 : 20:45:15

Proprio adesso che ringiovanisce il cumenda vuoi che lo cambio...naaaaaaaaaaa...lo faccio diventare talmente giovane che diventa il mio toy-boy

muscafiume Inviata - 01 May 2013 : 12:44:56
e finalmente Cry vola al contrario...evvai che si ringiovanisce!!!
...potresti addirittura pensare di cambiare il Cumenda...naaaaaa
Ma così per curiosità...allora c'è o non c'è sto rave di 126????
Cat Cry Inviata - 30 April 2013 : 23:25:50
Capperi, il Maluch World Meeting 2012!?!?!

E proprio un luogo comune dire che il tempo vola

Fiat 126p4 Inviata - 30 April 2013 : 09:42:25
Bene quest'anno è arrivata la lettera a casa direttamente dalla Slovacchia si farà il Maluch World Meeting 2012
FEDEeALE Inviata - 18 April 2012 : 23:42:46
We are really sorry about that!

126fan.sk Inviata - 01 April 2012 : 13:36:48
After briefings with Police and city mayor we must to choose to not organize meeting this year!! The main reason is complete reconstruction of Neresnica road crossing on which is planned complete close of all roads and noone should tell us when and for how long. This road crossing is main road to club and also to camping. Detour will have about 25 km. Because of works to make the roads wider its now camping without fence and they cant guaranty us, that till meeting it will be repaired and that there will not be nonstop works on road also during the night. And its also planned that the entrance to camping will be at other place with new reception , but at this moment the old one doesnt exist and they didn´t started with building a new one and didnt know when they will start. Looks like the Camping will not be open this season because they cant guaranty safety and accommondation without disturb. Because of traffic changes isnt possible to make convoy to square because if even will not be road crossing completelly closed there is planned alternating traffic by traffic lights in one lane, daily is driving thru this crossing more than 36000 cars, so in this situation its impossible to drive thru in convoy with about 300 cars and will take more than 2 hours to make 10 km to square.. And because the traffic changes they shouldnt guaranty us also if will be possible to go to airport Dobra Niva where is planned the sekond parts of Saturdays program And its planned also reconstruction and spread of main road from this road crossing till the end of city what is onlyone road to club, where will be registration based.. So to this situation they dont recommended us to organize so big meeting as it is and we also dont want to risk lost of reputation of this action so we decided to move it to next year.
We fell about it very sad, but we didnt have other posibillity. Of course we were thinking about other possibilities but because of history of this meeting which was always based on city Zvolen we decided to move it to next year, rather then change a date or place of meeting, Cause that reconstruction will be finished in 2013.
Fiat 126p4 Inviata - 21 February 2012 : 19:33:57
I do not think .. unfortunately I do not have the car ready .. I am still renovating! I hope there is some Italian because this car is Italian: (
126fan.sk Inviata - 16 February 2012 : 20:41:25
Sorry but I dont understand you. It means that you will arrive to meeting or not?
Fiat 126p4 Inviata - 15 February 2012 : 18:42:43
I hope for us far and I do a lot of pictures

Then remember that the 126 turns 40 this year
126fan.sk Inviata - 14 February 2012 : 12:05:29
Hope you should do it somehow Your ides its interesting, but you know our meetings have tradition and have been always organized only in Zvolen, Slovakia, so we shouldnt change place. Anyway we are open to every cooperation cause 126 and Fiat is our passion and hobby nummber one, and we are allready cooperating with many clubs worldwide and we are participating on 126&500 meetings in Central Europe so I think it isnt impossible if friends from Italy should come to our meeting and drivers from Slovakia come to Italy in Future

By the way about program at this moment I can tell that will be possible also to see very rare Fiat126 models
From our collection: 126 CC Zero, 126 MCA Coupe, 126Pop cabrio, 126Bosmal cabrio, 126Figo 250ccm engine,126 LPT in renovation works progress, 126 fan buggy, 126 Steyr Puch before renovation

From our members will be a lot of very nice modifications possible to see, also beautyfull tuned and renovated cars, Swaps also with bike engines, 126 Polish race cars, and for 90% there will be world premiere of Fiat 126 limo and Fiat 126 LPT amphibious - those cars will be first time possible see at our meeting- was never promoted on any Fiat 126 meeting before

And in this moment I can also say that the part of Friday program will be Jazz concert on Zvolen Square
FEDEeALE Inviata - 10 February 2012 : 17:53:37
Tnx for nice info.
We would evaluate the possibility to reach the meeting depending on when we could be in Czech republic as mentioned.
By now .... Have a nice evening !

Tnx again.


What's about a meeting also in Italy..........?
Think about an "international convention" as soon as possible
There could be a great occasion to meet many 500 enthusiast from Italy and many others from all Europe.....why not ?

Kindly !
126fan.sk Inviata - 10 February 2012 : 15:45:22
hi Fred, its about 500km from Prag so little bit more near than from Italy....
FEDEeALE Inviata - 09 February 2012 : 23:21:44
126fan !

What a nice meeting for the "126 amateur"

That's pity the meeting is so far away from Italy....but I'll try to partecipate (not with my 126....)
Once per year I'm going to visit south bohemia in Czech repubblic ...This year could be in June...may be
So it would be possibile to have a look to Slovakia ....and the 126 meeting.

How much is far away from Prag & Budwais (south Bohemia) ?

Tnx !!

Bye bye

126fan.sk Inviata - 09 February 2012 : 22:32:03
Originariamente inviato da Fiat 126p4

how many years is that you make this gathering? I have seen many pictures, maybe is the 3 rd time?

We organize 126 meetings since year 2001 this will be our 8th meeting. Since 2007 the na Maluch World Meeting were established
Fiat 126p4 Inviata - 08 February 2012 : 12:45:10
how many years is that you make this gathering? I have seen many pictures, maybe is the 3 rd time?
126fan.sk Inviata - 02 February 2012 : 23:09:52
Maybe somehow in future also Italian Convoy wil arrive Its very nice to see how people plain a adventure trip like for example UK 126 fans here: http://club126uk.co.... ANd thaank you very much Fiat126p4 for very nice wishes
Cat Cry Inviata - 30 January 2012 : 22:27:47
Anche a me piace lo scheletro...
mi ricorda tanto Faustino, lo scheletro che avevamo nel'aula di scienza della scuola...

pavo82 Inviata - 30 January 2012 : 22:22:08
Mi aggiungo anch'io per lo scheletro, dove si può trovare?
miminoabarth Inviata - 30 January 2012 : 19:34:04
speriamo qui dalle mie parti non c è mai nessun evento

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