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exton Inviata - 02 May 2019 : 15:02:42
I would ask for help and apologize for writing in English.
I intend to buy Fiat 500 D-1963.
I'm worried if the engine is original or changed. I would ask for your opinion. I attach a picture of the engine number.
Thank you and many trouble-free miles with our favorite Fiat 500
6   U L T I M E      R I S P O S T E    (Ultimi inserimenti)
alexettor Inviata - 31 May 2019 : 14:26:33
Originariamente inviato da exton

Bj one, thank you for the answer!
So, the engine on the car is not original, because the engine code is 110.00 ?
Letter "D" is missing.

From which Fiat is the engine whit number 110.00

Thank you

Hi there! 110.000 is an older engine 1957-1960 the D version must have a 110D000 engine. Hence you can sell the 110.000 one you gonna get enough money to buy the 100D000 :-)
exton Inviata - 05 May 2019 : 15:51:26
Thank you for the help! I will check ...
Bj one Inviata - 02 May 2019 : 22:34:39
Test on the Fiat 500 club italia website. There is a page only for the chassis numbers.
exton Inviata - 02 May 2019 : 20:17:31
Bj one, thank you for the answer!
So, the engine on the car is not original, because the engine code is 110.00 ?
Letter "D" is missing.

From which Fiat is the engine whit number 110.00

Thank you
Bj one Inviata - 02 May 2019 : 17:43:52
Hi .
The engine is original il there is on the number " FIAT 110 D " like this....
The first difference is that there are only 2 bolts, for the starter motor.
exton Inviata - 02 May 2019 : 15:09:13
Originariamente inviato da exton

I would ask for help and apologize for writing in English.
I intend to buy Fiat 500 D-1963.
I'm worried if the engine is original or changed. I would ask for your opinion. I attach a picture of the engine number
Thank you and many trouble-free miles with our favorite Fiat 500



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